Radio: FOX News Radio
THE TROUBLE BEGINS…NOW! On John’s show you won’t hear all callers in agreement with the host all the time…you won’t hear the same myopic themes beaten to death day after day…you won’t hear the same newsmakers saying the same old thing. Instead, you’ll hear guests with something new and compelling to offer. And, of course, if there’s a big story (war, politics, culture, entertainment, immigration, religion – things people care about), John will be all over it and he won’t back down. Dissent is encouraged…all opinions are on the table. Read more
THE TROUBLE BEGINS…NOW! On John’s show you won’t hear all callers in agreement with the host all the time…you won’t hear the same myopic themes beaten to death day after day…you won’t hear the same newsmakers saying the same old thing. Instead, you’ll hear guests with something new and compelling to offer. And, of course, if there’s a big story (war, politics, culture, entertainment, immigration, religion – things people care about), John will be all over it and he won’t back down. Dissent is encouraged…all opinions are on the table.
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